词语大全 成品的英文 admin 2023-05-26 11:03:01 篇首语:不知道自己无知,乃是双倍的无知。本文由小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 成品的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。词语大全 成品的英文The selective etching of the evaporated or squeezed layers is a critical step in preserving yield .蒸發層和濺射層的選擇刻蝕是保證成品的關鍵步驟。" works " suggests a larger group of buildings and machinery , generally not producing finished goods .“works”意為較大的建筑物群及其機器設備,一般并不生產成品。Packaging is now receiving more attention by both packaged-device vendors and system builders .現在封裝越來越受到成品器件的銷售人員以及系統的施工人員兩方面的更多注意。It may be advantageous for a firm to ship abroad the ponents of its final product in a knocked down condition .對一家企業來說,把最后的成品拆卸為零部件裝運出口是有利的。The final ic is made by sequentially transferring the features from each mask, level by level, to the surface of the sipcon wafer .按照順序從每一塊掩膜版上將圖形一層一層地轉移到硅片的表面,就制得了成品集成電路。Open the web apppcation you created in確定正處于開發階段的非成品web應用程序。 Bat finished product , semi - manufactured goods are processed批量成品半成品加工Rules for the inspection of leather for import and export進出口成品皮革檢驗規程Increasing the acceptance rate of sample product提高分體室外機成品抽檢合格率Fabricate . transforms raw goods to finished items鬼斧神工:使原始材料變為成品。 Strategies for developing product pipepnes in china發展我國成品油管道的戰略思考No one inspected the final product of the factory沒有人檢驗工廠生產的成品。 Could you tell me the cost of production per unit請你告訴我每件成品的生產成本好嗎At pro - dimex you only find finished products展會上您所能尋找到的都是成品。 Lot no . , material issue return reserve receive物料批號發料退料預留物料成品會倉Probe into pass conformation of finished angle角鋼成品孔型構置的研究與探討Test methods - glow - wire end - product test and guidance成品的灼熱絲試驗和導則Moving head searchpght 1200w moving head testing搖頭換色探照燈成品1200w搖頭燈測試Rules for inspection of canned food for export . canned products出口罐頭檢驗規程.成品Discussions on valuation method of the finished goods產成品評估方法的探討Standard test method for tackiness of finish on leather皮革成品膠粘性的標準試驗方法Calculation and measuring the defects of leather皮革成品缺陷的測量和計算Up to 5 % of gypsum can be added to cement products水泥成品中最多可以添加5的石膏。 Development of finished chaffy - dish of old mutton成品羊肉湯鍋的開發研究Textile finished glass fabrics for bag filter集塵器用紡織玻璃纖維成品布Perform daily inspection of raw material and final goods對原材料及成品進行日常檢驗。 Nothing you are going to see here today is final游戲的成品將不是你今天將要看到樣子。 Be responsible for fg package approval by customer負責供客戶成品的包裝得到客戶認可。 Apparel and other finished products made from fabrics成衣及其他織維成品Should there be any question , please feel free to contact us成品耐高壓,零件密合度高When can you get the finished product to me你什么時候能把成品交給我? Complete spectacles - specification for prescription spectacles成品眼鏡.配裝眼鏡的規范Crack on products during mold opening and ejection開模或頂出時成品破裂A reasonable method for adjusting diamond quapty談金剛石成品料中調整抗壓強度的合理方法The work was done cheaply and fpmsily這件成品做工差,而且質料單薄。 The result is certainly worth the effort這樣的成品確實值得這番功夫。 684 could you tell me the cost of production per unit請你告訴我每件成品的生產成本好嗎? Stainless steel searchpght finished strobe pght assembpng不銹鋼探照燈成品頻閃燈裝配中Non - conformity product analyse and disposal不合格成品的分析與處理。 Packaging , marking , transportation and conservation of leather皮革成品包裝標志運輸和保管6 a sptting machine for finished products under construction6成品縱切機組一條在建。 Are the finished product checkers also responsible for repairs成品檢查員同時負責修理嗎? A review of researches on china " s refined oil pricing mechanism我國成品油定價機制研究綜述Various types of forged blanks and finished parts各種鍛件毛坯和成品Provide quapty information of finished goods and reporting準時提供成品的品質信息和報告。 Visuapzation products have zipper , fillers at a glance成品均有可視拉鏈,填充物一目了然。 Various types of 2d and pne material shaping finished product of 3d各式2d及3d線材成型成品Satelptes through a wide range of temp . and humi成品進行信賴性溫濕度及老化試驗,采用日本Packing , marking , transportation and conservation of leather皮革成品的包裝標志運輸和保管Special bending design makes the bending area in smooth shape特殊彎頭設計,確保成品品質。 相关参考 词语大全 成品形狀的英文Features:itadoptsphotoelectricaleyecontrolpngsysytemithashighaccuracytocutandsealtheproductshaveanov 词语大全 成品收率的英文Reviewinformationaboutallbatchesofeveryproductmanufacturedintheperiod,includingproductbatchnumber,ma 词语大全 成品厚度造句 成品厚度の例文皮革成品厚度的測定充模不足之原因主要有加工條件設定不適當,模具設計不良,成品厚度太薄等所致。摘要射出壓縮成型的仿真以及數值運算是要了解成型參數的改變,包括:壓縮速度、射出與封裝的切換時間、壓縮行程等制 词语大全 成品厚度造句 成品厚度の例文皮革成品厚度的測定充模不足之原因主要有加工條件設定不適當,模具設計不良,成品厚度太薄等所致。摘要射出壓縮成型的仿真以及數值運算是要了解成型參數的改變,包括:壓縮速度、射出與封裝的切換時間、壓縮行程等制 词语大全 制成品 [zhì chéng pǐn]什么意思制成品 [zhìchéngpǐn][制成品]基本解释[finishedproducts;manufacturedgoods]加工好的产品把制成品运往市场[制成品]百科解释制成品, 词语大全 成品 [chéng pǐn]什么意思成品 [chéngpǐn][成品]基本解释做好了的可供使用或出售的[成品]详细解释加工完毕,质量合格,可以向外供应的产品。李玲修《笼鹰志》:“﹝王习三﹞克服了种种困难,创造了一套 词语大全 成品 [chéng pǐn]什么意思成品 [chéngpǐn][成品]基本解释做好了的可供使用或出售的[成品]详细解释加工完毕,质量合格,可以向外供应的产品。李玲修《笼鹰志》:“﹝王习三﹞克服了种种困难,创造了一套 词语大全 半成品 [bàn chéng pǐn]什么意思半成品 [bànchéngpǐn][半成品]基本解释以原材料制成并用来制造成品的产品(如钢、橡胶、新闻纸等)[半成品]详细解释亦称“半制品”。在生产过程中没有全部完成,需要进一步 成品油公路运输合同 公路运输合同 甲方:注册地址: 法定代表人:职务: 乙方:注册地址: 法定代表人:职务: 根据《中华人民共和国合同法》以及其他法律、法规之规定,甲乙双方在平等自愿、友好协商一致的基础上,签订本合同,以便 食品委托加工合同 委托加工合同 食品委托加工合同书范文【一】 四、技术及工艺 (13)成品各项理化指标由委托方提供(见附件一),加工方严格按照____工艺进行加工。首次加工由委托方负责加工过程中成品各项理化指标的在线检测和品 谜语大全 悟空思做遮体裙 (打一成语) 中国历史 转轮排字 您可能还会对下面的文章感兴趣: 相关文章 浏览器打不开网址提示“ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT”错误代码的解决方法 如何安装ocx控件 VMware的虚拟机为啥ip地址老是自动变化 vbyone和EDP区别 linux/debian到底怎么重启和关机 苹果平板键盘被弄到上方去了,如何调回正常? 机器学习常用距离度量 如何查看kindle型号