



























n Santorini

C.Buying a love lock in Amsterdam

D.Damaging a tree in Venice

2.If you are going to rent an apartment in Amsterdam as a tourist, how long can you keep it within a year at most?

A.A year.

B.One month.

C.Two months.

D.A season.

3.What do these tourist attractions have in common?

A.These places have been popular all year around.

B.Rules have been set or changed regarding tourism.

C.Local people use violence against tourists.

D.The number of tourists has decreased a little.


1.D 细节理解题。根据Venice, Italy部分中“Venice has implemented strict rules regarding tourism: littering, engaging in horseplay, not wearing a shirt in public, leaving love locks, and writing on or damaging trees or buildings are all fineable offenses in the city(威尼斯实行了严格的旅游规则:乱扔垃圾、参与打闹、在公共场合不穿衬衫、留下爱情锁、在树木或建筑物上写字或损坏树木或建筑物都是城市中处罚的罪行)”可知,游客在威尼斯毁坏树木是要被罚款的。故选D项。

2. C细节理解题。根据Amsterdam, the Netherlands的介绍中,“…and that tourists cannot keep the rental apartments for more than 60 days a year”可知,在阿姆斯特丹,规定游客一年不能将租赁公寓保留超过60天。故选C项。

3.B 推理判断题。在Venice, Italy部分中,提到“Venice has implemented strict rules regarding tourism威尼斯在旅游方面实施了严格的规定”;在Barcelona, Spain部分中,提到“Popular attractions have even changed their rules …受欢迎的景点甚至改变了规则”;

在Santorini, Greece部分中,提到“the island imposed a rule limiting visitors…该岛实行了一项限制游客的规定”;在Amsterdam, the Netherlands部分中,提到“the city has put restrictions on Airbnb”。综合上面的介绍,可以推断,这些景点的一个共同点是:为了限制过热的旅游业给城市带来的不利影响,这些旅游景点都制订了关于旅游的一些限制规则或者更改了原有的规则。故选B项。


I’ve spent two decades observing what makes people lucky and trying to help people increase their luck. I teach entrepreneurship (社会学). We know many new enterprises fail, and innovators (创业者)need luck.

With my students, I spend much time encouraging them to get out of their comfort zone and take some risks. I do this myself all the time. About a dozen years ago, during a flight, I decided to take a little risk. I started a conversation with the man sitting next to me. I introduced myself, and I learned that he was a publisher.

I learned all about the future of the publishing industry and we exchanged contact (联系) information. So about three quarters through the night, I decided to take another risk. I showed him a book plan I was doing in my class. Although he was very polite, he said it wasn’t right for us.

A couple of months later, I told him I was doing a project on transforming the book, the future of publishing and invited him to come to my class. So he gladly came to my class. We had a great experience. A few months later, I wrote to him again, sending a bunch of video clips (剪辑) from another project my students had made.

He was so stricken by one of them that he thought there was a book in it. I was a little bit hurt, but it was all right. So I invited him and his colleagues to have lunch together. Later, one of his editors asked me if I had considered writing a book. And I pulled out the exact same plan I had showed his boss a year earlier. Within two years, my book had sold over a million copies.

4. We can infer from the author’s experience on the plane that .

A. the publisher was stricken by his book

B. that was his first experience by plane

C. the first risk during the night didn’t work out

D. the experience made him transform his book

5. Why did the author send the students’ video clips?

A. To have their book published.

B. To help to increase his luck.

C. To assess their writing skills.

D. To help them see their strength.

6. Which can be the best title for the passage?

A. Take the Lead

B. Everything is Possible

C. Win in Danger

D. Luck and Risk

7. What does the author think resulted in his luck?

A. Publishing books.

B. A series of small risks.

C. Being turned down frequently.

D. Meeting with the stranger on the plane.


4.D 细节理解题。根据第三段的A couple of months later, I told him I was doing a project on transforming the book, the future of publishing and invited him to come to my class.(几个月后,我告诉他我正在做这本书的改造工作,关于未来的出版,并邀请他来我的课堂)可知,飞机上的经历,让作者决定改造他的书。D. the experience made him transform his book(这个经历让他改造自己的书)符合以上说法,故选D项。

5.B 推理判断题。根据第二段的So about three quarters through the night, I decided to take another risk. I showed him a book plan I was doing in my class.(过了大约四分之三的夜晚,我决定再冒一次险。我给他看了我在课堂上做的读书计划)及A few months later, I wrote to him again, sending a bunch of video clips (剪辑) from another project my students had made. He was so stricken by one of them that he thought there was a book in it.

(几个月后,我又给他写了一封信,把学生们做的另一个项目的一些视频剪辑发给了他。他被其中一本书深深地打动了,以为里面有一本书)可推测,作者把学生的视频剪辑和书一起寄过去的目的是帮助增加自己的运气。B. To help to increase his luck(为了帮助增加他的运气)符合以上推测,故选B项。

6.D 主旨大意题。根据文章的主要内容,尤其是一段的I’ve spent two decades observing what makes people lucky and trying to help people increase their luck.和二段的With my students, I spend much time encouraging them to get out of their comfort zone and take some risks. I do this myself all the time.可知,本文主要讲述作者近二十年一直在研究使得人们幸运的是什么,并且帮助他人增加幸运的机会。作者一直鼓励学生走出舒适区并做出一些冒险,而作者本人也一直坚持这样做。D. Luck and Risk(运气和冒险)可以作为本文标题,故选D项。

7.B 推理判断题。根据第二段的About a dozen years ago, during a flight, I decided to take a little risk.(大约12年前,在一次飞行中,我决定冒一点险)及第三段的So about three quarters through the night, I decided to take another risk.(所以,过了大约四分之三的夜晚,我决定再冒一次险)和第三段的A few months later, I wrote to him again, sending a bunch of video clips (剪辑) from another project my students had made.

He was so stricken by one of them that he thought there was a book in it.(几个月后,我再次写信给他,把一堆我学生做的另一个项目的视频剪辑寄给他。他被其中的一个深深感动了,认为可以写一本书)可知,出版商拒绝之后,作者一直没有放弃,冒着拒绝的风险提升幸运的机会,最终成功的出版了这本书。由此推测,作者认为是一些小的冒险让他成功了。B. A series of small risks(一系列小的冒险)符合以上说法,故选B项。


Instagram(图片分享社交应用程序)is about to take its biggest step toward removing likes from its platform. After months of testing an option to hide likes in select international markets, Instagram, which is owned by Facebook(FB), has already been testing hiding likes in seven other countries, including Canada, Ireland and Australia.

For years, likes have been central to how celebrities, brands, politicians and everyday users experience Instagram and Facebook. It's a way of measuring popularity and success. But in recent months, Instagram has been rethinking how likes contribute to making its platform more toxic. Now it's considering a change.

The total number of likes on posts — which appear as hearts on the app ——will disappear from Instagram's main feed, profile pages and permalink(永久链接)pages. The owner of the account can still see their own likes, but their followers won't know the count.

CNN Business previously spoke with users in countries with the test. The majority felt this move would improve well-being on the app. Instagram is the most detrimental(不利的,有害的)social networking app for young people's mental health, such as negatively impacting body image, according to one study.

But other users and psychologists said hiding likes won't fix everything. The test doesn't address some of the key ways that activity on Instagram can impact the well-being of users, including bullying, feeling left out and thinking other people's lives are better than their own.

Renee Engeln, a psychology professor at Northwestern University, voiced his opinion that the biggest impact of Instagram is the content and the exposure to this constant stream of perfected images is what seems to hurt psychologically. Plus, users can still see their own likes ——and feel badly if their posts don't perform well.

8. How do users experience Instagram in this passage?

A. By giving likes.

B. By hiding likes.

C. By selecting platforms.

D. By showing off talents.

9. The underlined word “toxic” in Paragraph 1 most probably means “”.

A. profitable

B. poisonous

C. popular

D. positive

10. What can we infer from the passage?

A. Instagram has affected youngsters' mental health.

B. The account owners won't know the count o£ likes.

C. Instagram tested hiding likes in seven countries first.

D. The majority think Instagram has been a well-being app.

11. What could be the best title of the passage?

A. Instagram Misuses Likes

B. More People Are Against Likes

C. Likes Cause Mental Problems

D. Likes will Be Hidden on Instagram

文章大意:本文为说明文。Instagram即将迈出最大的一步,从它的平台上移除“点赞”。因为“点赞”让平台变得更“有毒”的,几个月来 Instagram一直尝试在一些国际市场隐藏“点赞”功能。

8.A 细节理解题。根据第一段中“For years, likes have been central to how celebrities, brands, politicians and everyday users experience Instagram and Facebook.” 多年来,“点赞”一直是名人、品牌、政客和普通用户体验Instagram和Facebook的核心。由此可知,体验Instagram是通过点赞的形式,故选A,

9.B 猜测词义题。根据划线词的上文“For years, likes have been central to how celebrities, brands, politicians and everyday users experience Instagram and Facebook. It's a way of measuring popularity and success.”多年来,点赞一直是名人、品牌、政客和日常用户体验Instagram和Facebook的核心重点。点赞是衡量受欢迎程度和成功的一种方法。

接着用转折连词but引出下文 “But in recent months, Instagram has been rethinking how likes contribute to making its platform more toxic. ”可知,最近几个月,Instagram一直在反思“点赞”是如何让自己的平台变得更“toxic”。But表示与前文相反的意思。可知,前文叙述“点赞”是一种有用方法,那“toxic”是与之相反的,不好的。再结合“Instagram is about to take its biggest step toward removing likes from its platform..”

Instagram即将迈出最大的一步,从它的平台上去除点赞。可推断出,去除点赞可能是因为它的不好的一面。分析选项A. profitable有利可图的;B. poisonous有毒的;C. popular受欢迎的;D. positive积极的。可知A、C和D都是好的一面,只有B项是不好的。由此推断出“toxic”是有毒的。

10.A 推理判断题。根据第三段“The majority felt this move would improve well-being on the app. Instagram is the most detrimental(不利的,有害的)social networking app for young people's mental health, such as negatively impacting body image, according to one study.” 大多数认为此举将提高app的健康。一项研究显示,Instagram是对年轻人心理健康最有害的社交网络应用,比如对身体形象产生负面影响。由此可推断出Instagram影响了青少年的心理健康。故选A。

11.D 主旨大意题。本文第一段叙述了Instagram即将迈出最大的一步,从它的平台上移除“点赞”。几个月来 Instagram一直在尝试在一些国际市场隐藏“点赞”功能。因为“点赞”平台变得更“有毒”的。接着下文具体分析了“点赞”造成的不好的影响,从而正要隐藏“点赞”。文章分析“点赞”带来的不好的影响,所以要在Instagram隐藏“点赞”功能。因此D项是最佳题目。故选D。


Before dipping your hand into that bowl of M&Ms (一种巧克力豆) at the holiday party, think about what you’re about to do. A lot. A new study finds that people who imagine themselves consuming many pieces of candy eat less of the real thing when given the chance.

Picturing a delicious food—like a juicy steak or an ice cream sundae—generally whets (刺激) the appetite. But what about visualizing yourself eating the entire sundae, spoonful by spoonful?

There’s reason to think that might have the opposite effect, says Carey Morewedge, a psychologist at Carnegie Mellon University. Researchers have found that repeated exposure to a particular food—as in taking bite after bite of it—decreases the desire to consume more. But no one had looked to see whether merely imagining eating has the same effect.

To find out, Morewedge and his colleagues fed M&Ms and cheese cubes to 50 university students. In one experiment, the participants first imagined performing 33 repetitive motions (动作): Half of them imagined eating 30 M&Ms and inserting three quarters into the slot of a laundry machine.

The other half imagined eating three M&Ms and inserting 30 quarters. Then everyone was allowed to eat their fill from a bowl of M&Ms. It was reported that those who’d imagined eating more candy ate about three on average, while the others ate about five M&Ms.

The researchers then extended their findings to another food group—cheese. As in the M&M experiment, people who imagined eating 30 cheese cubes consumed less of the real thing. But volunteers who imagined eating 30 M&Ms ate the same amount of cheese as those who imagined eating three M&Ms. Thus, the effect is specific to the type of food imagined.

The findings should have practical applications, says Morewedge. One possible strategy for weight watchers might be to spend a few minutes before each meal imagining eating exactly the foods they’re about to consume, he says.

Although he is planning follow-up studies to investigate the potential of imagined consumption for helping people control their appetite, Morewedge says he’s not planning to experiment on himself over the holidays. “I really enjoy my mother’s cooking,” he says.

12. What did Morewedge and his colleagues want to find out with the first experiment?

A. Whether imagining eating would lead to weight loss.

B. Whether imagining eating would reduce appetite.

C. Whether picturing a delicious food would whet appetite.

D. Whether repeated exposure to food would reduce appetite.

13. What does the underlined part “the others” in Paragraph 4 refer to?

A. Those who imagined eating 30 M&Ms.

B. Those who imagined eating three M&Ms.

C. Those who didn’t participate in the experiment.

D. Those who didn’t imagine eating M&Ms.

14. According to the findings from the experiment, which of the following may make you eat less?

A. Imagining eating any kind of food.

B. Imagining eating at least two kinds of food.

C. Imagining eating as many kinds of food as possible.

D. Imagining eating the same kind of food you will eat.

15. What can be the best title for the text?

A. How to Control Your Appetite

B. Imagining Eating M&Ms: A Way to Lose Weight

C. To Eat Less, Imagine Eating More

D. The Less You Imagine, the More You Eat


12.B 细节理解题。根据文章第三段中Researchers have found that repeated exposure to a particular food—as in taking bite after bite of it—decreases the desire to consume more. But no one had looked to see whether merely imagining eating has the same effect.

(研究人员发现,反复接触一种特定的食物-就像一口接一口地吃-会降低消费更多的欲望。但没有人研究过仅仅想象进食是否也有同样的效果。)以及文章第四段中To find out, Morewedge and his colleagues fed M&Ms and cheese cubes to 50 university students.(为了找出答案,莫尔韦奇和他的同事们给50名大学生喂食了M&M巧克力糖和奶酪方块。)由此可知,莫尔韦奇和他的同事们想从第一个实验中发现想象进食是否会降低食欲。结合选项,故选B。

13.B 词义猜测题。根据文章第四段中In one experiment, the participants first imagined performing 33 repetitive motions (动作): Half of them imagined eating 30 M&Ms ... The other half imagined eating three M&Ms and inserting 30 quarters.

Then everyone was allowed to eat their fill from a bowl of M&Ms. It was reported that those who’d imagined eating more candy ate about three on average, while the others ate about five M&Ms.

(在一项实验中,参与者首先想象了33次重复动作:其中一半人想象吃了30块M&M巧克力糖。另一半人想象吃三块M&M巧克力糖,然后放入30枚25美分硬币。然后每个人都被允许一碗M&M。据报道,那些想x像吃更多糖果的人平均吃了大约3块,而其他人吃了大约5块M&M。)由此可知,本段主要进行了一个对比试验,故划线词the others指的是上文中的The other half。即那些想象着吃三块M&M的人。结合选项,故选B。

14.D 推理判断题。根据文章第一段中A new study finds that people who imagine themselves consuming many pieces of candy eat less of the real thing when given the chance.(一项新的研究发现,想象自己吃了很多糖果的人在有机会吃下真正的糖果时会吃得更少。)

以及文章第四段中It was reported that those who’d imagined eating more candy ate about three on average, while the others ate about five M&Ms.(据报道,那些想吃更多糖果的人平均吃了大约3块,而其他人吃了大约5块M&M。)由此判断出,根据实验结果,想象自己吃的食物和你将要吃的食物是一样的会让你的食欲降低,使你少吃。故选D。

15.C 标题判断题。根据文章第一段中A new study finds that people who imagine themselves consuming many pieces of candy eat less of the real thing when given the chance.(一项新的研究发现,想象自己吃了很多糖果的人在有机会吃下真正的糖果时会吃得更少。)以及分析全文可知,文章都是围绕该内容展开说明的。故C项(To Eat Less, Imagine Eating More)要想少吃点,想象一下多吃点。作为标题,能够概括文章中心。故选C。



Are you one of the increasing number of students who are struggling for college education online? Follow these tips to help you be a successful online learner?

Many students assume that online classes require less work and are easier than traditional classes. 16.

Arrangement according to class schedule is important. Log on to your course according to the required schedule. Manage your time just as you would in a traditional course.

17. You may not be able to turn in papers, view videos, or participate in groups if you don't have the proper technology. Make sure that you have the proper Internet connection and software programs installed (安装).

During class, you are advised to be focused. Read and practice everything. 18. Don’t run through a course skipping videos, animations (动画), and ungraded self-assessment activities.

Be comfortable communicating through text. Most communication in an online course occurs through the written word. Discussion board posts, written assignments, and email are all common modes of communication in online courses. 19. Be prepared to read and write a lot in online courses.

Remember to be active. If you have questions or don’t understand an assignment, tell your instructor. 20. Don’t wait until after you’ve turned in an assignment to let the instructor know that you have struggled. If you email or call the instructor before an assignment, quiz, or exam, you’ll prevent the struggle, and avoid having your grade suffer.

A. Go through every screen.

B. Online classes require less work

C. You’ll understand the instructor better.

D. Be sure you have the required software and hardware.

E.Your instructor can help you better if you tell him or her.

F.In reality, they’re designed just as demanding as traditional courses.

G.This is different from traditional classes, where a lot of communication is oral.


16.F 上文Many students assume that online classes require less work and are easier than traditional classes.(很多学生认为在线学习要求的工作更少,比传统课程更容易)与F. In reality, they're designed just as demanding as traditional courses(事实上,它们和传统课程一样要求很高)承接自然,上下文构成明显的转折关系,traditional classes和traditional courses是关键词,故选F项。

17.D 根据Make sure that you have the proper Internet connection and software programs installed(确保你有网络连接和安装了相应的软件程序)可知,本段主要讲述要有适当的网络和软件程序,D. Be sure you have the required software and hardware.(确保你有要求的软件和硬件)可以作为本段中心句,故选D项。

18.A 上文During class, you are advised to be focused. Read and practice everything.(在上课期间,你应该集中注意力,阅读和练习每一个知识)与A. Go through every screen.(浏览每一个视频)承接自然,上下文都是关于上网课要集中注意力,不要错过任何一个环节,everything和every screen是关键词,故选A项。

19.G 上文Discussion board posts, written assignments, and email are all common modes of communication in online courses.(讨论版帖子、书面作业和电子邮件都是在线课程中常见的交流方式)与G. This is different from traditional classes, where a lot of communication is oral.(这与传统课堂不同,传统课堂上很多交流都是口头上的)承接自然,选项中的this指代上文所说的几种在线课程交流方式,communication是关键词,故选G项。

20.E 上文If you have questions or don’t understand an assignment, tell your instructor.(如果你有问题或不理解作业,告诉你的老师)与E. Your instructor can help you better if you tell him or her.(如果你告诉她/他,你的指导老师可以更好地帮助你)承接自然,instructor是关键词,故选E项。


第二部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)



In the U. S. there are more prisoners than farmers. In fact, the U. S. houses about one-fourth of the prison population worldwide, which amounts to 21 2.3 million people.

Many prisons 22 punishment rather than rehabilitation (恢复正常生活), which means the prisoners may lack the skills necessary to 23 in society when they are freed. As it stands, more than 60 percent will be sent back to prison after 24 new crimes.

Today more and more prison officials are 25 the importance of rehabilitation and beginning to see the 26 of gardening in prisons.

Research in California 27 suggests that, among prisoners who participated in gardening programs, less than 10 percent 28 prison.

Part of what makes planting a garden so effective is that it represents 29 Growing food from seed, many prisoners 30 experience success after a lifetime of failures, which helps to build 31 .

Additionally, today’s gardening programs don’t just teach prisoners gardening skills but also 32 them to take part in planning the garden and making other 33 related to the project.

And the prisoners aren’t the only ones who 34 . Some prison gardens donate food to low-income areas, allowing prisoners to give back to areas where many of them were 35 Others produce so much food that they’re even 36 to donate to local nursing homes and schools.

Through programs that 37 the science of gardening, prisoners learn that knowledge is power.

The 38 of ever finding a skilled job after getting out of prison, a 39 that provides enjoyment and dignity in a complex 40 world, is replaced by a greater sense of purpose.

21. A. merely B. hardly

C. only D. nearly

22. A. devote to B. focus on

C. turn into D. give up

23. A. function B. reform

C. change D. recover

24. A. planning B. accusing

C. reporting D. committing

25. A. performing B. recommending

C. recognizing D. promoting

26. A. sign B. interest

C. aim D. value

27. A. prisons B. schools

C. farms D. towns

28. A. escaped from B. stayed in

C. returned to D. went to

29. A. reality B. success

C. challenge D. wisdom

30. A. finally B. initially

C. constantly D. frequently

31. A. relationship B. self-confidence

C. reputation D. trust

32. A. force B. forbid

C. allow D. remind

33. A. contributions B. comments

C. discoveries D. decisions

34. A. assist B. care

C. benefit D. participate

35. A. raised B. grown

C. brought D. developed

36. A. content B. able

C. likely D. certain

37. A. create B. improve

C. assess D. teach

38. A. thoughtfulness B. expectation

C. hopelessness D. ambition

39. A. job B. garden

C. program D. science

40. A. ecological B. technological

C. academic D. spiritual


21. D22. B23. A24. D25. C

26. D27. A28. C29. B30. A

31. B32. C33. D34. C35. A

36. B37. D38. B39. A40. D


21.D 考查副词词义辨析。句意:事实上,美国的监狱人口占全世界监狱人数的四分之一,将近230万人。A. merely仅仅;B. hardly几乎不;C. only只有;D. nearly几乎。根据2.3 million people可知,此处应该是指美国监狱人口有将近300万人。故选D。

22.B考查动词词组词义辨析。句意:许多监狱关注惩罚而不是恢复正常生活。 A. devote to致力于;B. focus on关注;C. turn into变成;D. give up放弃。根据 rather than rehabilitation (恢复正常生活),此处应该是指监狱只注重惩罚而不是改造,表示注重、在意的意思。故选B。

23.A考查名词词义辨析。句意:这意味着囚犯在被释放后可能缺乏履行职责所需的必要技能。A. function行使职责;B. reform改革; C. change改变;D. recover恢复。根据when they are freed可知,囚犯在被释放后就是享受权利和义务的公民,所以要履行职责。故选A。

24.D考查动词词义辨析。句意:目前,超过60%的人在犯下新的罪行后将被送回监狱。A. planning计划;B. accusing控告;C. reporting报告;D. committing犯罪。根据上下文, more than 60 percent will be sent back to prison 可知,此处应该是指超过60%的人会在再次犯罪后,即犯新的罪后,再进入监狱。故选D。

25.C考查动词词义辨析。句意:今天,越来越多的监狱官员认识到改造的重要性,并开始看到监狱园艺的价值。A. performing执行,表演;B. recommending推荐;C. recognizing意识到;D. promoting促销。根据 beginning to see theof gardening in prisons. 可知监狱的办公人员意识到了改造的重要性。故选C。

26.D考查名词词义辨析。句意:今天,越来越多的监狱官员认识到改造的重要性,并开始看到监狱园艺的价值。A. sign迹象;B. interest兴趣;C. aim目标;D. value价值。由前面的importance(重要性)可知监狱里的改造活动对犯人是有价值的。故选D。

27.A考查名词词义辨析。句意:加州监狱的研究表明,在参与园艺项目的囚犯中,只有不到10%的人回到了监狱。A. prisons 监狱;B. schools学校;C. farms农场;D. towns城镇。由后面的among prisoners(在犯人中)可知是在监狱进行的调查研究。故选A。

28.C考查动词词组词义辨析。句意:加州监狱的研究表明,在参与园艺项目的囚犯中,只有不到10%的人回到了监狱。A. escaped from逃脱;B. stayed in待在; C. returned to返回;D. went to去……地方。由 sent back to prison(送回监狱)可知这里表达的是改造后再回监狱的犯人减少了。故选C。

29.B考查名词词义辨析。句意:园艺种植之所以如此有效,部分原因是它代表着成功。A. reality现实;B. success成功;C. challenge挑战;D. wisdom智慧。由后面的 experience success(体验成功)可知改造有效果的原因就是它代表了成功。故选B。

30.A考查副词词义辨析。句意:许多囚徒在经历了一生的失败后终于体验到了成功。 A. finally最后;B. initially最初;C. constantly持续;D. frequently频繁地。由后面的 after a lifetime of failures(一生的失败后)可知犯人们最后体验到了成功。故选A。

31.B考查名词词义辨析。句意:这有助于建立自信。A. relationship关系;B. self-confidence自信心;C. reputation名声;D. trust信任。由前面的experience success(体验成功)可知改造帮助犯人建立自信心。故选B。

32.C考查动词词义辨析。句意:此外,今天的园艺项目不仅教囚犯园艺技能,还允许他们参与规划花园,并做出与项目相关的其他决策。A. force逼迫;B. forbid禁止;C. allow 允许;D. remind使想起。根据下文allowing 可知,教授园艺技巧也可以让他们参与到规划花园。故选C。

33.D考查名词词义辨析。句意:此外,今天的园艺项目不仅教囚犯园艺技能,还允许他们参与规划花园,并做出与项目相关的其他决策。A. contributions贡献;B. comments评论;C. discoveries发现;D. decisions决策。根据take part in planning the garden可知,此处指罪犯们也可做出与项目相关的其他决策。故选D。


34.C考查动词词义辨析。句意:囚犯并不是唯一的受益者。A. assist帮助;B. care关心;C.benefit好处;D. participate参加。由后面的donate food to low- Income areas(捐食物给低收入家庭)可知犯人不是唯一从改造活动中获得好处的。故选C。

35.A考查动词词义辨析。句意:一些监狱的人员向低收入地区捐赠食物,允许囚犯将食物回馈给他们曾经养育过他们的地方。A. raised养育;B. grown成长;C. brought带来;D.developed发展。根据 give back to areas 可知,此处指允许囚犯将食物回馈给他们曾经养育过他们的地方。故选A。

36.B考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他们甚至能够捐赠给当地的养老院和学校。A. content满意的;B. able能够的;C. likely可能的;D. certain肯定的。由so much food(如此多的食物)可知犯人是能够捐赠食物给养老院和学校的。故选B。

37.D考查动词词义辨析。句意:通过传授园艺科学的项目,囚犯们认识到知识就是力量。A. create创造;B. improve提高;C. assess评价;D. teach教授。由后面的learn(学会)可知改造项目教授园艺科学知识。故选D。

38.B考查名词词义辨析。句意:希望出狱后自己能找到一份自己熟练的工作,这是一份在复杂的精神世界中提供享受和尊严的工作,这是一份让人更有目标的工作。A. thoughtfulness体贴;B. expectation期待;C. hopelessness希望;D. ambition野心。由后面的 a sense of purpose(目标感)可知犯人对出狱后的生活充满期待的。故选B。

39.A考查名词词义辨析。句意:希望出狱后自己能找到一份自己熟练的工作,这是一份在复杂的精神世界中提供享受和尊严的工作,这是一份让人更有目标的工作。 A. job工作;B. garden园艺;C. program项目; D. science精神。由 finding a skilled job(找到一个有技巧的工作)可知,故选A。

40.D考查形容词词义辨析。句意:希望出狱后自己能找到一份自己熟练的工作,这是一份在复杂的精神世界中提供享受和尊严的工作,这是一份让人更有目标的工作。A. ecological生态的;B. technological科技的;C. academic学术的;D. spiritual精神的。由前面的 enjoyment and dignity(享受和自尊)可知是精神世界。故选D。



“Nothing entertains us better than reading a book.” Bing Xin expressed this 41.(believe) in 1987. “Entertainment news has increased, which is fine, but I 42. (firm) believe the most pleasant thing about life is to read books,” she told Cao Zhengwen, editor of the Xinming Evening News.

Cao’s interview with Bing Xin 43. (take) place about two years after the book Amusing Ourselves to Death was published. It criticized televisions for 44. (weaken) rational thinking that was typical of books.

To encourage more people to read, Cao launched 45. “Joy of Reading” section in the Xirmin Evening News in 1986. During the 22 years 46. it survived and thrived (繁荣), he interviewed quite a few cultural figures and invited them 47. (write) for the newspaper. Cao later selected and edited the stories of their life into the book A Record of Interviews with Cultural Icons.

Thanks to Cao’s effort, today’s readers can have a rare glimpse into the 48. (spirit) world of typical Chinese intellectuals, a world of simplicity, sacrifice and selflessness.

The book tells us not only how joyful they were in reading, but also how just they were 49. difficult conditions. In other words, the book teaches us how to bring out the better part of 50. (we) as well as how and what to read.



41. belief考查名词。句意:“没有什么比读书更能使我们开心了。”冰心在1987年表达了这种信念。this后面使用名词,believe的名词是belief,它在this后面,应使用单数形式。故填belief。

42. firmly考查副词。句意:娱乐新闻增加了,这很好,但是我坚信生活中最令人愉快的事情就是读书。副词作状语修饰形容词。故填firmly。

43. took考查动词时态。句意:曹对冰心的采访发生在《自娱自乐》这本书出版大约两年之后。由句意及was published可知,主句中的谓语take place,应使用一般过去时。故填took。

44. weakening考查动名词。句意:它批评电视削弱了书籍所代表的理性思维。介词for后面使用动词时,应将动词改为动名词的形式。故填weakening。

45. the


46. when考查定语从句。句意:在这个栏目传承和越来越受人欢迎的22年中,他采访了许多文化人物并邀请他们为报纸撰稿。分析句子结构,years后面是一个定语从句,先行词years在从句中作状语,应使用when引导。故填when。

47. to write考查非谓语动词。句意:在这个栏目传承和越来越受人欢迎的22年中,他采访了许多文化人物并邀请他们为报纸撰稿。invite sb. to do sth.“邀请某人去做某事”。故填to write。

48. spiritual考查形容词。句意:借助曹的努力,今天的读者可以难得一见的是典型的中国知识分子的精神世界,一个朴素,敢于牺牲和无私的世界。形容词在句中作定语修饰world。故填spiritual。

49. in/under考查介词。句意:这本书不仅告诉我们他们在阅读中有多快乐,而且还告诉我们他们在困难的环境中的生活如何。分析句子结构可知,此处需要填入介词。in/under difficult conditions“在困难的环境中”。故填in/under。

50. ourselves









1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

I’ve always been fond in collecting stamps since I was a child. As far as I'm concerned, collecting stamps is a meaningful hobby, help me to learn a lot of. Besides, dealing with my collection of stamps not only gives me great satisfactions but also helps relax yourself under the great pressure of studies.

What's more, I even earned money by selling stamps and my collection will be more valuable as time goes by. Therefore, my parents are strongly against it. They consider it waste of money and they also think that sorting out my stamps may take up too much of my time, that should be spent on my studies. What can I talk them into supporting my hobby?


第一处:in → of考查固定短语。句意:我从小就喜欢集邮。be fond of表示“喜欢”,故in改为of。

第二处:help → helping考查非谓语动词。句意:就我而言,集邮是一种有意义的爱好,能帮助我学到很多东西。分析句子结构可知此处使用非谓语动词,collecting stamps与help之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,表示主动,用现在分词作状语,故help改为helping。

第三处:去掉of考查a lot of与a lot的区别。句意同上,a lot of重在表示物品的数量,常修饰名词,a lot则重在表示程度,常修饰动词,此处的of是多余的,故去掉of。

第四处:satisfactions → satisfaction考查名词的数。句意:此外,处理我收集的邮票(做好我的集邮工作)不仅给我很大的满足,也帮助我在巨大的学习压力下放松自己。此处的satisfaction表示抽象意义,为不可数名词,没有复数形式,故satisfactions改为satisfaction。

第五处:yourself → myself查代词。句意同上,根据“me”可知此处表示“我自己”而不是“你自己”,故yourself改为myself。

第六处:earned → earn考查时态。句意:更重要的是,我甚至通过卖邮票赚钱,我的收藏会随着时间的推移变得更有价值。文章的基础时态为一般现在时,此处也应该用一般现在时,主语是I,谓语动词用复数,故earned改为earn。

第七处:Therefore → However考查副词。句意:然而,我父母极力反对我集邮。“我喜欢集邮”与“父母反对我集邮”之间是转折而非因果关系,故Therefore改为However。

第八处:waste前加a考查固定短语。句意:他们认为这是浪费钱,他们还认为整理邮票可能会占用我太多的时间,而我应该把这些时间花在学习上。a waste of表示“浪费……”,故waste前加a。

第九处:that → which考查非限定性定语从句。句意同上,此处为非限定性定语从句,关系词指代先行词time并在从句中作主语,而that不能引导非限定性定语从句,故that改为which。

第十处:What → How考查疑问词。句意:我怎样才能说服他们支持我的爱好呢?根据句意可知此处表示“如何”而不是“什么”,故What改为How。


假定你是李华,你的朋友 Alice 听说今年的清明节为了表达全国各地人民对抗击 COVID-19 牺牲的烈士(martyrs)和逝世同胞的深切哀悼,你们举行了全国性的哀悼活动(a national mourning),她想了解基本情况。请你给她回封邮件,内容包括:

1. 哀悼的形式; 2. 活动的意义; 3.你的感想。

注意:1. 词数 100 左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

提示词:tomb-sweeping day 清明节 observe silence 默哀 half-mast 降半旗 blast horns 鸣笛



Dear Alice,

Knowing that you have an interest in our national mourning held on this tomb sweeping day, I am writing to share with you the relevant information.

We held this mourning for martyrs who died in the fight against COVID-19 as well as for the people dying of the infection with the disease. At 10 a.m. on April 4th, all Chinese people observed three minutes of silence, all national flags flew at half-mast across the country and public recreational activities were delayed.

Undoubtedly, this mourning will have a far-reaching impact on every one of us and it will be stuck in our mind forever. We will remember all the sacrifices people make in the fight against the outbreak. Thanks again for your care and concern. If you still have questions, I am at your service.


Li Hua
