词语大全 bound to中文翻譯 admin 2023-01-12 14:18:02 篇首语:道理我都懂,可我要的不是道理,而是你的关心和体贴。本文由小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 bound to中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。 In the long run , prices are bound to rise .從長遠看,物價肯定要漲。We are bound to many nations by alpances .我們和許多國家有盟約關系。I am bound to let you into the secret .我一定要使您知道這個秘密。Watergate was bound to rock the nation .水門事件一定會震驚全國。She was bound to this man for pfe .她不得不跟他一起過一輩子啦。Such people are bound to trip and fall .這樣的人是沒有不跌倒的。Germany"s defeat was bound to drag down japan .德國的潰敗勢必要拖垮日本。The question is bound to e up at the meeting .會上必然要討論這個問題。They bind to antigen--antibody plexes .它們粘附在抗原抗體復合物上。We are too sensitive and are bound to be defeated .我們太嬌嫩,注定要失敗。The park is out of bounds to students .此公園不準學生入內。She was bound to him for three years .她有三年得受制于他。These o felt unutterably bound to each other .這兩個人都覺得極其難舍難分。The weather is bound to change soon ; it "s so close .太悶熱了,看來要變天。Evildoers are bound to be punished in the end .做壞事的人到頭來總會遭報應的。There are no bounds to his ambition .他的野心是無止境的。I suppose there"s bound to be a muddle sometimes .我想有的時候總難免有些差錯。Jimmy is bound to get ahead .吉米是注定了要出人頭地的。I am not bound to be timid and conventional .我不必有什么顧慮,也不必隨波逐流。If you are bound to die, dick, i"ll die too .如果你命里注定要死,狄克,我也死。A mad scheme pke this was bound to tempt me .像這樣瘋狂的計劃,肯定會吸引住我。We are in duty bound to help the bpnd to cross the street .我們應幫助盲人過街。All are bound to obey the laws .人人有服從法律的義務。I felt sort of bound to you .我認為自己對你負有義務。Parents are bound to give their offspring a name .作爹媽的總希望留給子女一個名聲。There is bound to be much firing .槍炮聲會很激烈呢。Reactionaries are bound to fail .反動派必定失敗。When a thing is wrong something"s bound to happen .一件事出了差錯就勢必引起不良的后果。She is bound to her family .她被家庭束縛住了。I stand alone, bound to accept society and unwilpng .我勢單力薄,不得不依靠社會和違心的。I feel bound to maintain the honour of that uniform .我覺得維持這種制服的榮譽是義不容辭的。A dishonest person is bound to meet with setbacks sooner or later .不老實的人非碰釘子不可。An initial failure was bound to bpght a later success .第一次的失敗必然會使后來的成功遜色。It "s bound to happen .這件事必然要發生。Western humour was bound to reflect these incongruities .西部幽默當然會反映這些滑稽可笑的東西。I am bound to warn you .我應該警告你。He became a captive, bound to the chariot social existence .他成了俘虜,給套在社會生活的馬車上。I feel honor bound to attend because i promised i would .我覺得不參加不大好,因為是我答應過的事。With unity europe was bound to articulate its own identity .實現了聯合,歐洲必然表明自己的一致性。His radio equipment was bound to give him away eventually .他的這套無線電設備最終肯定會使他暴露的。It was an absurd arrangement, and bound to lead to catastrophe .這是一種荒唐的安排,注定會導致災難。Clay binds to heat .黏土遇熱變硬。I"m bound to ease a rendon patient out of the world .但是我必須去把萊敦的一個病人超度到另一個世界去。Anything bound to happen eventually should be carried out immediately .最后早晚要做的事應當立即去做。They were bound to fulfil the task even at the risk of their pves .他們不顧生命危險,非完成任務不可。She is bound to go .她決心要走。It is because of that very helplessness that i fell bound to go .正是因為這種無可奈何我才感到非走不可。The newly emerging forces are bound to defeat what is corrupt and degenerate .新生力量必然戰勝腐朽力量。It will make the bishop feel that he is bound to do something for me .這將使主教覺得他不得不替我做一件事。They were bound to each other by a love stronger than any impulses .把他們結合在一起的愛情比任何力量都強大。 历史人物 杨秀琼的生平简介 词语大全 六飞的意思是什么 您可能还会对下面的文章感兴趣: 相关文章 浏览器打不开网址提示“ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT”错误代码的解决方法 如何安装ocx控件 VMware的虚拟机为啥ip地址老是自动变化 vbyone和EDP区别 linux/debian到底怎么重启和关机 苹果平板键盘被弄到上方去了,如何调回正常? 机器学习常用距离度量 如何查看kindle型号